A kind of feather my own nest concept come to Chocolate Factory Khao Yai to have today’s dinner.
Heard the name of Chocolate Factory for a long time but never tried it. Finally I got you !!!

The space inside is large and can accommodate a number of people, and there are also outdoor seating.

The price of the meal is medium, a crab fried rice is 280 baht, and the pasta is 180 baht, and the price just meet the general brand chain restaurant should have. The overall space is very comfortable and the dining atmosphere is cozy and quiet.

Here we go !!!

Finally is dessert. Since it is called Chocolate Factory, anyway we have to eat two pieces of chocolate (30 baht each) and an ice cream (95 baht)!

With the resident singer, the bad mood of driving for more than four hours disappeared.

Here is the Google Map
Thanks for the meal !!